December 2, 2024

Statistics on Promotions in 2024 | With Past Promotions

Being a proud sponsor of the promotional archive, PromoNow has collaborated with Past Promotions to collate almost 350 shopper activations including prize promotions and experiential events.‍ As 2024 comes to a close, here are all the insightful statistics that were found to help build better promotions and get more brands involved in the space.

2024 statistics on prize promotions and shopper activations, comparing all-time

  1. From the entire archive, 57% of promotions required a product purchase to enter. In 2024, 70% of promotions required a purchase to enter.
  1. 10% of promotions used some form of gamification and in 2024, 12%.
  1. 60% of promotions were off-pack, and in 2024, 46% of promotions were off-pack.
  1. 40% of promotions were on-pack, and in 2024, 54% of promotions were on-pack

Statistics on brand partnerships

  1. 32% of promotions were brand partnerships, usually partnering with movies or other brands. This statistic increased to 51% in 2024.

The film industry is a common partner for many brands in FMCG and CPG. A common prize offered in these movie partnership promotions usually consists of vouchers or gift cards for cinema screenings and merchandise. 

Partnerships with another brand are a great way to connect with audiences outside of the usual target demographic and give brands exposure to audiences outside their expected demographic.

Statistics on promotional mechanics

Two stacked row charts labelled 'All Time' and '2024'. In the 'All Time' column it lists prize draw at 77%; instant win at 28%; gift with purchase at 6%; experiential and other both at 5%. For the row chart labelled '2024', it lists prize draws at 87%; instant wins at 30%; gift with purchase at 7%; and other at 3%

  1. Prize draws remain the top promotional mechanic, with 77% of promotions and 86% of promotions in 2024 integrating a prize draw.

Prize draws overlap with instant win mechanics often, wrapping up prize promotions with a draw - containing new prizes and unclaimed prizes from the instant win portion of the promotion that ‘rolls over’. 

  1. 17% of promotions contained both an instant win mechanic and a prize draw mechanic, rising to 22% in 2024.
  2. Instant wins took second place in the most used promotional mechanic at 28% and 30% in 2024.
  3. Mechanics like a gift with purchase, promo payouts, and money-off next purchases only made up to less than 10% of prize promotions. This was also the case in 2024.

Statistics on prize categories in promotions

Two stacked row charts, one labelled 'All Time', and the other labelled '2024'. Under all time, experiences are 23%, travel 20%, cash 19%, vouchers & giftcards at 17%, food & drink 13%, tech 10%, merchandise 10%, other 20%. For 2024, experience 30%, travel 13%, cash 21%, vouchers & giftcards 23%, food & drink 15%, tech 11%, travel 13%, merchandise 7%, other 13%

  1. The prize categories offered the most often are ‘experiences’ in 23% of promotions and 30% in 2024.
  2. Another popular category is vouchers and gift cards at 17% which grew to 23% in 2024.

Vouchers and gift cards are a great way to include more prizes in the promotion and if they’re for your brand, it’s a great way to encourage shoppers to try the product(s) for free and then potentially buy in and continue to purchase from your brand even without the gift card or voucher.

  1. Cash is also consistently a popular choice, being the prize of 19% of promotions and 21% in 2024.

There’s a common misconception in the industry that ‘cash is king’, whilst it is a highly desirable prize for shoppers - when it’s awarded, it’s often used towards bills or debts which, whilst may be valuable, it means that brands lose out on the chance to create a truly lasting memory with their prize offering. 

Brands also lose out on the opportunity to offer a prize that deeply resonates with audiences. Cash is a reliable and easy generic prize, but there’s no particular factor about cash that may make it special to a particular audience outside of its monetary value.

  1. The travel prize category was in 5% of promotions and 13% in 2024
  2. The food and drink category was in 13% of promotions and 15% in 2024
  3. The technology category, which includes devices and electronic accessories was in 10% of promotion and 11%  in 2024
  4.  The merchandise category, which includes branded apparel and accessories, was in 10% of promotions and 7% in 2024

Statistics on entry mechanics for promotions

Two stacked row charts, one labelled 'All Time' the other labelled '2024'. The data reads under All Time: form 65%, social 13%, URN 10%, text 7%, other 10%. Under 2024, it's: form 76%, URN 12%, text 16%, other 12%

  1. Forms were the most popular entry mechanic and were used in most promotions, it’s in 65% of promotions and in 2024, 76%.

It’s rare to see prize promotions not include a form as it’s a valuable integration that allows brands to collect first-party data and garner a better understanding of customers and shoppers as well as a chance to encourage marketing email sign-up, particularly if the entrant frequently enters promotions. ISO27001-compliant data processing is an important factor here.

Statistics on proof of purchase methods in promotions

  1. 10% of promotions used URNs, i.e. unique reference numbers and 12% of promotions used the mechanic in 2024.
  2. Originally, 15% of promotions used receipt validations in part of their entry methods, in 2024, we saw more brands use receipt validation with 28% of promotions using the mechanic.

Receipt validations are usually either receipt validation or receipt robotics - the difference is the manual or automated nature of the process. Receipt robotics “is a method of validation which involves the automated analysis of receipts. The AI used within receipt robotics can be customised to recognise any product, any retailer, anywhere.”

Statistics on prize pool and budget for prizes in promotions

Two pie charts. One lablled 'All Time', the other, '2024'. Under All Time, the data reads: dependant 10%, less than £100 3.5%, £100 - £1,000 16.1%, £1,000 - £5,000 20.9%, £5,000 - £10,000 18.3%, £10,000 - £50,000 17%, £50,000 - £100,000 10.6%, and £100,000+ 3.5%. Under 2024, the data reads: dependant 8.5%, £100 - £1,000 12.2%, £1,000 - £5,000 25.6%, £5,000 - £10,000 19.5%, £10,000 - £50,000 20.7%, £50,000 - £100,000 8.5%, £100,000+ 4.9%.

  1. Budgets on prize pools has historically been evenly distributed and are largely dependent on the size of the brand. 
  2. The most common price ranges spent on a prize pool is £1,000 - £5,000 at 19% and 22% in 2024.
  3. 14% of promotions had a prize pool budget range of £100 - £1,000 and in 2024, 11%
  4. 17% of promotions had a prize pool budget range of £5,000 - £10,000 and in 2024, the statistic remained at 17%.
  5. 15% of promotions had a prize pool budget range of £10,000 - £50,000 and in 2024, £18%
  6. 10% of promotions had a prize pool budget range of £50,000 - £100,000 and in 2024, 7%
  7. Only 3% of promotions had a prize pool budget higher than £100,000 and in 2024, the statistic only increased by 1% to 4%.

Statistics on microsites for promotions

It should be noted that a ‘microsite’ specifically refers to a promotional website, at a domain separate to a brand’s main website - as opposed to a webpage on a brand’s main site which is dedicated to a promotion.

  1. 31% of promotions utilised a microsite and the number increased to 34% in 2024. 

Microsites are a way for brands to be specific and focus attention onto a given activation, promotion, campaign, or more. It creates a direct digital destination for shoppers to engage with brands. We see promotional microsites most often in prize promotions in the shopper activations space as a digital stop to host entry forms or as the main place to host important promotional information, and build deeper brand engagement

However, just as easily, these microsites can be used to host information about experiential activations like promotional events or used as an always-on promotional microsite to continually encourage shoppers and consumers to engage with your brand.

  1. That being said, on 2% of promotions integrated and always-on mechanic in their promotions and in 2024, 4%.
  1. Of the promotions including microsites, only 6% of them were always on and in 2024, the number drops to 4%.

PromoNow will continually work with Past Promotions to bring the best insights from the promotional industry to readers. Keep an eye on the Insights page or follow PromoNow on LinkedIn to get the latest news and stay keyed in on what’s happening in the shopper activations space.

Visit to learn how PromoNow can help you create engaging brand activations, or contact one of our experts on +44 (0)20 380 555 38.

Ad card in a corporate graphic style. In the centre is a flat and simplistic yellow outline of a house with a glowing light bulb. On both sides are grey houses, getting increaingly more trasparent. Below the row of houses is text that reads "Home of the ALWAYS-ON promotion" and below that reads, "PROMONOW"

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